In about two weeks (on February 3rd, to be precise), a deadline will come and go. It’s very likely marks the FINAL CHANCE for justice for anyone who was groped, fondled, raped, or sexually violated as a child by any San Diego Catholic employee. By the phrase, “any Catholic employee,” we mean exactly that. From Cardinal to custodian, teacher to tutor, seminarian to school counselor, monk to monsignor or priest to the personnel director, any employee is under the radar. And by “final chance,” we mean exactly that because once the 3rd of February passes, anyone victimized as a kid by Catholic staffers in San Diego will essentially be blocked from taking legal action to expose wrongdoers, find closure, and get compensation.
Why? San Diego Catholic officials made the selfish decision to exploit federal Law and declare Chapter 11 bankruptcy. In that process, a judge gives those church officials a ‘bar date’ – an arbitrary deadline after which childhood sexual abuse victims will no longer be allowed to file civil lawsuits against church institutions or individuals. Over the past few months, we at Horowitz Law have spread awareness about some who have hurt kids in and around San Diego – priests, nuns, brothers, monks, seminarians, and others on the payroll of Catholic parishes, schools, and institutions who have hurt kids. For example, we’ve highlighted some of the WORST San Diego predator priests. Among them: Fr. Gregory Sierra Sheridan, Fr. Edward Anthony Rodrigue, Msgr. Robert S. Koerner and Fr. William Armstrong Kraft.
We’ve listed accused San Diego religious order clerics (as opposed to diocesan ones). Among them: Fr. Michael M. MacCourt, Fr. Malachy M. McGinn, Fr. John Beatty, Fr. Herman Francis Flynn, Fr. Peter Marron, Fr. Edward Augustine Sheehy, Fr. Lawrence Kurlandski and Fr. Adalbert J. Kowalczyk.
We have detailed the movements of San Diego predator priests who have been sent into and out of the diocese, even across international borders. (Among them: Fr. Franz Robier, Fr. William R. Savord, Fr. Arthur Carrillo, Fr. Ephrem or ‘Ephrem’ Cirilio and Fr. David Roll.)
We’ve listed San Diego priests who’ve been sued for abuse. (Among them: Fr. Michael French, Fr. Rudolph Galindo, Fr. James A. Ganahl, Fr. Ramon Marrufo, Fr. Michael O’Connor, Fr. Michael Raymond O’Donohoe, Fr. Patrick J. O’Keeffe, Fr. Franz Robier, Fr. Edward Anthony Rodrigue, Fr. Gregory Sierra Sheridan, Fr. Matthew J. Thompson and Fr. William Valverde).
We’ve drawn attention to about 20 current or former San Diego priests who should be – but are NOT – on the official San Diego diocesan list of ‘credibly accused’ abusive clerics. (Among them: Fr. James Creato, Fr. Ramon Marrufo, Fr. Nicholas M. Reveles, Fr. Robert Buchanan, Fr. John Joseph Daly, Fr. I. Brent Eagen, Fr. Gary Michael Holtey, Fr. Robert S. Koerner, Fr. Lawrence Kurlandski, Fr. Michael MacCourt, Fr. Peter Marron, Fr. Ephren Cirilio Neri, Fr. Michael O’Connor, Fr. Michael Raymond O’Donohoe, Fr. Patrick J. O’Keefe, Fr. Joseph Russell, Fr. Edward Augustine Sheehy, a cleric known only as “Brother Thomas” and a nun known only as “Sister Bridgette.”)
We’ve noted which San Diego alleged child molesting clerics have had their personnel files made public. (Among them: Fr. Joseph Rossell, Fr. Adalbert J. Kowalczyk, Fr. Michael Victor Marron, Fr. Rudolph Galindo, Fr. James A. Ganahl, Fr. I. Brent Eagen, Fr. Herman Francis Flynn, Fr. Patrick J. Kearney, Fr. John Charles Keith, Fr. Malachy M. McGinn, Fr. Patrick Carl McNamara, Fr. Barry Vinyard, Fr. Thomas Moloney, Fr. John M. Beatty, Fr. James T. Booth, Fr. James Creaton, Fr. Michael Raymond O’Donohoe Fr. Michael O’Connor, Fr. Emmanuel O. Omemaga, Fr. Patrick J. O’Keeffe, Fr. William R. Savord, Fr. David Roll, Fr. William D. Spain, Fr. Matthew J. Thompson Fr. Donald F. Doxie, Fr. Luis Eugene de Francisco, Fr. John Joseph Daly, Fr. Victor Uboldi, Fr. Edito D. Amora and Fr. Robert Daniel Nikliborc who sometimes goes by Robert Drew Rand).
We could go on and on. Today, however, it’s time to re-focus on process, not people. The time is fast approaching when victims of these – and other – known or suspected child molesters who are or were in the San Diego area, will lose their legal options. So please, send the link to this blog to friends, family, co-workers, and acquaintances who spent even a few months of their childhood in the San Diego Catholic diocese. (It includes all of San Diego and Imperial counties.) They need not have been Catholic. What matters is that when they were vulnerable, they were near scores of child-molesting clerics. And let your friends, family, co-workers, and acquaintances know that IF they suffered at the hands of a Catholic predator, the time to come forward, get help, find healing, expose wrongdoing, and prevent more abuse is RIGHT NOW.
Horowitz Law represents victims and survivors of sexual abuse by Catholic priests and other clergy in the Diocese of San Diego in California. If you need a lawyer because you were sexually abused by a priest in one of California’s Catholic dioceses, contact our office today. Although many years have passed, those abused by Catholic clergy in the Diocese of San Diego now have legal options due to a temporary change in the law, but filing deadlines will apply, so do not delay in reaching out to us. Our lawyers have decades of experience representing survivors of clergy sexual abuse in California and nationwide. We can help. Contact us at 954-641-2100 or send an email to [email protected] to discuss your options today.