Clearwater Nursing Assistant Confesses to Sexually Assaulting Six Elderly Women in His Care
Falo Kane, a 32-year old certified nursing assistant in Florida, has admitted to sexually assaulting six elderly women in his care, at four health care facilities in the Pinellas County area. According to Clearwater law enforcement records, earlier this month, Kane admitted to sexually assaulting two elderly women in 2016, and four more elderly women in March, August and September of 2019.
Clearwater police said they were made aware of the incidents when one facility reported the assault of a patient. Before Falo Kane was booked into the Pinellas County Jail, he wrote an apology letter addressed to four victims. It was then detectives learned of three more assaults involving two additional victims at Advanced Care Center on August 31. Kane is now being held without bail on seven counts of sexual battery of a physically helpless person, and a charge of violating probation from a prior arrest as a patient care technician at Mease Countryside Hospital in May 2018.
According to the arrest reports, Kane preyed on the patients he was hired to help care for, attacking the women while in their most vulnerable states. He assaulted one woman while changing her adult diapers, and another while bathing her. He also sexually assaulted a disoriented patient after she took the sleep sedative Ambien. In some cases, he forced them to perform oral sex. Police said that in two of the cases, he assaulted a woman who was in a wheelchair and another woman who was left disabled by a stroke. To determine if there are other victims, Clearwater detectives said they are checking with other facilities and private families Kane may have worked for in the past. Facilities in which Kane has allegedly sexually assaulted patients include Mease Countryside Hospital, Advanced Care Center, Clearwater Center, Comprehensive Health Care Facility and Glen Oaks Health and Rehabilitation Center.
Healthcare facilities have an obligation to make sure their providers are helping, not harming their patients. Someone who sexually violates elderly people has no place working in the nursing field. Any facility in which such a crime is committed must take responsibility for failing to properly screen potential employees.
Horowitz Law represents victims who were sexually abused in a healthcare facility. If you or a loved one was sexually abused, raped or sexually molested by a certified nursing assistant, nurse, doctor or health care administrator, contact our law firm at 888-283-9922 or send an e-mail to sexual abuse lawyer Adam Horowitz at [email protected] for a free consultation.