Have you been abused by clergy in the Diocese of Richmond? We can help.
Yesterday, the Diocese of Richmond (Virginia) quietly announced that it has formed a voluntary settlement and compensation fund for those sexually abused as children in the Diocese of Richmond. According to the rules of the fund, anyone sexually abused by a priest or deacon in the Diocese of Richmond is eligible for compensation. This includes anyone abused in a parish or grammar school that later became a part of the Diocese of Arlington when it was erected in 1974, so long as the abuse occurred prior to 1974.
To see if you qualify for participation in the fund, called the Independent Reconciliation Program (IRP), contact us at 888-283-9922 or at [email protected] today. Please note that all claims must be registered with the fund by April 3, 2020, so it is critical that you not delay in contacting us.
Our team has identified 61 clergy members (including one nun) who have been publicly accused of sexual abuse in the Diocese of Richmond. This exceeds the number of priests identified by the Bishop of Richmond, Bishop Barry Knestout, in a recently released list.
These are the priests we have identified through our own investigation. Stay tuned for more information on each and every one of them. In many cases, these clergy were moved to new, unsuspecting parishes after allegations of abuse arose.
- Fr. Richard Ahern (Stigmatine)
- Fr. Stanley Banaszek (Maryknoll)
- Msgr. Raymond Barton
- Fr. Frederick J. Beardsley
- Fr. John Paul Blankenship
- Fr. John Raymond Bostwick
- Fr. Francis Bourbon (Jesuit)
- Fr. Martin D. Brady (Franciscan)
- Fr. Robert Brooks
- Fr. Gordian Burkhardt (Benedictine)
- Fr. Charles Jeffries Burton (Jesuit)
- Fr. John R. Butler
- Fr. Anthony M. Canu (Franciscan)
- Fr. Patrick J. Cassidy
- Fr. Terence Doyle (Trinitarian)
- Fr. Carroll Dozier
- Fr. Bernadine George Dyer (Dominican Friar)
- Fr. Richard Earley (Josephite)
- Fr. James Fedor
- Fr. Harris M. Findlay
- Fr. Frederick George (Benedictine)
- Fr. George George (Maronite)
- Fr. Richard Bernard Goff
- Fr. Julian B. Goodman
- Fr. James J. Gormley (Jesuit)
- Fr. John B. Hesch
- Fr. Philip J. Higgins
- Fr. Adelbert Holmes (Glenmary Home Missioners)
- Fr. Paul J. Kamerdze
- Fr. Eugene Kelly
- Fr. Andrew William Paul Krafcik
- Fr. John E. Leonard
- Fr. Roland E. Leveille
- Fr. Augustine Ludwig (Benedictine)
- Fr. Joseph Majewski
- Fr. Aedan Manning (Trinitarian)
- Fr. Leonardo Mateo
- Fr. James H. McConnell
- Fr. Roland (Owen John) Melody (Trinitarian)
- Fr. John J. Munley
- Fr. Dennis P. Murphy
- Fr. Vincen Nguyen
- Fr. Robert E. Nudd
- Fr. Joseph Thang Xuan Pham
- Fr. Francis Philben (Holy Ghost)
- Fr. John Rea
- Fr. William T. Reinecke
- Sr. Eileen Rhoads (Immaculate Heart of Mary) – DO NOT DO PROFILE
- Fr. James L. Rizer
- Fr. Oscar Alexander “Paul” Rodriguez
- Fr. Andrew Roy (a/k/a Fr. Andres Rodriquez)
- Fr. Steven Rule
- Fr. Paul D. Ryan
- Fr. Austin L. Ryder
- Fr. Donald Scales (Benedictine)
- Fr. Dwight E. Shrader
- Fr. Oliver J. Smalls
- Fr. Ed Smith (Glenmary Home Missioners)
- Fr. Thomas Summers
- Fr. Thomas Sykes (Franciscan)
- Fr. Eugene J. Teslovic
Horowitz Law is a law firm representing victims and survivors of sexual abuse by Catholic priests and other clergy in the Diocese of Richmond in Virginia. If you need a lawyer because you were sexually abused by a priest in the Virginia, contact our office today. Although many years have passed, those abused by Catholic clergy in the Diocese of Richmond now have legal options, but filing deadlines will apply so do not delay in reaching out to us. Our lawyers have decades of experience representing survivors of clergy sexual abuse in Colorado and nationwide. We can help.
Contact us at 888-283-9922 or [email protected] to discuss your options today.