Virtually everyone knows that thousands of priests and other male clergy have sexually violated tens or perhaps even hundreds of thousands of boys and girls. But even now, in 2021, many do NOT know that hundreds or thousands of nuns have also sexually violated kids.
Think about it: who has had more access to Catholic children for decades than Catholic sisters, who made up the majority of teachers at parochial schools and still staff many such schools today?
And who – even more than priests, brothers, monks, bishops and seminarians – have been considered ‘safe’ to have around youngsters than nuns?
Despite all that’s been revealed and written and discussed about the church’s on-going abuse and cover up crisis over decades, abuse by nuns is a largely still-unexamined part of the picture.
You can learn more about all of this on Tuesday, April 20, at 10 a.m. eastern by tuning in online to “The Power of Dialogue: Nuns Shrouded in Mystery.”
Host Marilyn Shannon will talk with survivors from the SNAP Support Group for Those Abused by Nuns. Each will share their brief story of abuse.
SNAP board member Dan McNevin will give some facts and numbers about nuns and sexual abuse.
And UCLA Professor Paul Abramson, a sexuality expert, will begin the program and answer questions along with the panel participants.
We at Horowitz Law urge you to spread the word about this discussion on Tuesday to every Catholic and former Catholic that you know.
And we also want to praise and thank the brave nun survivors who, for years, have led the effort to expose this tragedy and warn others about predatory nuns. Among them: SNAP leaders Mary Dispenza, Steve Theisen, Mary Guentner and Landa Mauriello-Vernon. Their courage is to be commended.
Finally, here’s a very partial list of nuns who have been publicly accused of molesting children: https://www.snapnetwork.org/publicly_accused_nuns_from_bishop_accountability_aug19
The attorneys at Horowitz Law are experienced in filing lawsuits on behalf of children sexually abused by nuns. You can reach Adam Horowitz at [email protected] or call our law firm at (954) 641-2100.