A Client’s Nightmare: Jacksonville Chiropractic Assistant Arrested for Alleged Sexual Battery

by | Nov 17, 2023 | Doctors/Healthcare Providers

Dion Gordon Jacksonville Massage Therapist Horowitz Law


Jacksonville chiropractic assistant Dion Shane Gordon was arrested on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, and charged with five counts of sexual battery as the result of five separate acts he allegedly performed on a woman he was massaging at Jacksonville Chiropractic & Rehabilitation. The judge set his bond at $375,015. 

According to media reports, a female reported to the Jacksonville Police that she was sexually assaulted by her therapist while getting treatment for her lower back on October 8, 2023. The woman had been getting chiropractic treatment at that office for almost a year following a car accindent. Upon arrival, she checked in as usual, and Gordon took her back to the treatment room like he had on other days. But on this occasion, Gordon, age 43, pulled down the client’s pants waistband and began massaging her tailbone. He then touched her buttocks and slid his fingers into her vagina. The police report also says that Gordon performed oral sex on the patient. Once he stopped, the victim put on her shoes, and Gordon reportedly hugged her and said, “I wish we could have done more,” according to the report.  Gordon was terminated from his employment at Jacksonville Chiropractic & Rehabilitation on account of this incident. Robinson did verbally admit to the sexual encounter but told his employer he felt it was consensual.  During a record call with the alleged victim, Gordon said he felt “disgusting” for what he had done to her and apologized for what occurred. 

The woman told police that she felt nauseous while it was happening and said, “I feel like so weak because all I did was freeze like I couldn’t move and all I could do was breathe.” The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office questioned Gordon after the allegations were made, and he told police he “deeply apologized” for doing anything that made the victim feel uncomfortable. He said, “he’s been through a lot of trauma stuff.” The arrest report also said Gordon was not supposed to be giving massages because he was only a chiropractic assistant but advertised himself as a massage therapist. Gordon worked at the rehab center for about two to three months as a chiropractic assistant and started massage school but was only authorized to stretch the patients, not massage them, according to the affidavit.  ue to the information obtained during the investigation, the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office believes there is a potential for additional victims. 

Court records show that Dion Gordon was previously arrested in Jacksonville, Florida on domestic battery charges in February 2020 after allegedly punching a woman several times in the face during a dispute about money.  Law enforcement reported observing injury to the alleged victim’s face.  Gordon pleaded no contest and was sentenced to five days in jail and one year of probation, which included a mental health evaluation. 

Finding the right medical provider and therapist can be challenging. We seek out seasoned professionals with good bedside manners, compassion, and empathy.  When we finally decide on one, we hope to feel better over time, not be violated by the very person we trust. Doctors and massage therapists hold a position of power in the physician-patient relationship under Florida law.  It is both unacceptable and unlawful for a healthcare professional to touch a patient in any sexual manner or practice any sexual misconduct while treating the patient. Gordon’s actions towards his patients show that he does not have the judgment or moral character to hold a position of power or trust. Gordon violated the patient-physician relationship when repeatedly engaging in sexual misconduct with multiple patients.

Horowitz Law has filed numerous sexual misconduct claims against medical professionals on behalf of patients who were inappropriately touched in their care.  Under no circumstances is a doctor or nurse permitted to have sexual contact with a patient.  If you have been a victim of sexual assault or sexual battery at a medical office or facility, or if you know someone who has, please contact our law firm at 888-283-9922 or send an e-mail to sexual abuse lawyer Adam Horowitz at [email protected] for a free consultation.