Our law firm is offering free, confidential evaluations of clergy sexual abuse claims involving priests of the Diocese of Greensburg. We have been handling clergy abuse cases for many years and have the experience you need to seek justice for what happened to you. Contact us today at (954) 641-2100 or send an e-mail to [email protected] to find out your legal options.
The facts are clear: the Diocese of Greensburg engaged in the coverup of the sexual abuse of children for decades.
The Diocese of Greensburg has been home to some of the most notorious priests alleged to have committed child sexual abuse. Thanks to a recent scathing grand jury report, the facts are now coming to light about how the Diocese officials, including its bishops, protected predator priests before the innocent children in its flock. Victims of abuse by priests in the Diocese of Greensburg may be able to seek justice in a court of law or through a voluntary settlement fund for what occurred.
The Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report reveals mountains of evidence of sexual abuse of minors committed by priests in the Diocese of Greensburg. This sexual abuse included grooming and fondling of genitals and/or intimate body parts, as well as penetration of the vagina, mouth, or anus. According to the 2018 Grand Jury Report,
“The Grand Jury uncovered evidence of child sexual abuse committed by a number of priests of the Diocese of Greensburg. The forms of abuse discovered included grooming and the fondling of genitals and/or intimate body parts, as well as penetration of the vagina, mouth, and/or anus. The evidence also showed that Diocesan administrators, including bishops, had knowledge of this conduct and regularly permitted priests to continue in ministry after becoming aware that a complaint of child sexual abuse had been made against them. This conduct enabled the offenders and endangered the welfare of children.
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Finally, the Grand Jury received evidence that several Diocesan administrators, including bishops, often dissuaded victims from reporting to law enforcement. Meanwhile, the Diocese regularly failed to independently investigate allegations of child sexual abuse in order to avoid scandal and possible civil or criminal liability on behalf of the Diocese, accused priests, and Diocesan leadership. To the extent an investigation was conducted by the Diocese, it was too often deficient or biased and did not result in reporting credible allegations of crimes against children to the proper authorities or otherwise faithfully respond to the abuse which was uncovered.”
The civil lawsuits that have been filed against the Diocese of Greensburg and the extensive Grand Jury Report into the practices of the Diocese of Greensburg have exposed a culture of sexual abuse and cover-up, and efforts by church to protect the reputation of the Diocese of Greensburg even if it meant putting children in harm’s way. The Grand Jury report identified 20 priests accused of sexual misconduct with minors in the Diocese of Greensburg in the last several decades. Under pressure from the general public and fellow bishops to release the identities of all priests accused of sexually abusing children, the Diocese of Greensburg recently released the names of 23 priests with “credible and substantiated allegations” of sexual abuse.
The Diocese of Greensburg has established a voluntary compensation fund for survivors of sexual abuse in Greensburg, but you must act soon.
Recently, the Bishop of Greensburg, Edward Malesic, announced that the Diocese of Greensburg has formed a confidential, voluntary compensation settlement fund for victims of sexual abuse by clergy of the Diocese of Greensburg. The fund, which is modeled after similar funds in New York, will compensate victims in a shorter, more cursory process than full-blown litigation. Respected attorney Kenneth Feinberg, who administered the New York claims and other high profile, sensitive claims like the 9/11 Fund, and his business manager, Camille Biros, will review each claim as a neutral third party and award compensation. We have extensive experience handling claims in the New York area and are very familiar with the process and expectations of Mr. Feinberg and Ms. Biros in the process.
There will be a deadline by which all claims must be filed with the Diocese of Greensburg, so it is important that you act today to protect your rights under the fund. Contact us today.
We have identified 23 priests publicly accused of sexual misconduct in the Diocese of Greensburg.
Through our own research, we have identified 23 priests assigned to the Diocese of Greensburg who have been accused of or who have admitted to sexual misconduct. The list of priests below includes many habitual re-offenders and other priests who allegedly committed abuse. In some cases, priests were alleged to have abused kids at multiple parishes:
- Fr. Michael Biena
- Fr. James W. Clark
- Fr. Dennis Dellamalva
- Fr. Gregory Flohr
- Fr. Mark F. Gruber (Benedictine)
- Fr. Charles B. Guth
- Fr. Francis M. Lesniak
- Fr. Raymond Lukac
- Fr. Henry J. Marcinek
- Msgr. Michael W. Matusak
- Fr. Robert Moslener
- Fr. Fabian G. Oris
- Fr. Edmond Parrakow
- Fr. George R. Pierce
- Fr. Gregory F. Premoshis
- Fr. Thomas Rogers
- Fr. Leonard Sanesi
- Fr. Roger Sinclair
- Fr. Joseph Sredzinski
- Fr. John T. Sweeney
- Fr. Joseph A. Tamilowski
- Fr. Roger Trott
- Fr. Charles Weber (Benedictine)
Horowitz Law is a law firm representing victims and survivors of sexual abuse by Catholic priests and other clergy in the Diocese of Greensburg. If you need a lawyer because you were sexually abused by a priest in Pennsylvania, contact our office today. Although many years have passed, those abused by Catholic clergy in the Diocese of Greensburg may have legal options, but filing deadlines will apply so do not delay in reaching out to us.
Contact us at (954) 641-2100 or [email protected] to discuss your options today.